How Tame an Autocracy In Under 2 Years

How citizens can in their own small way resist an entire #ecosystem including adversarial #GodiMedia which drop by drop led to a deluge against #BJPGovernment

PARTS can indeed become larger than the SUM
Buildup, May 2022 to May 2024
Prediction And Results June 2024

ЁЯУ║ May 2022
⏰ BJP has become expert in running with the hare and hunting with the hound
ЁЯУ║ August 2022
ЁЯУ╕ Aam Aadmi Party considers citizens of #Delhi as human investment
ЁЯУ║ September 2022
ЁЯЦи Why is BJP hellbent on breaking other political parties and making them join their party?
ЁЯУ║ October 2022
#DelhiGovernment gives dividends to public, not freebies
ЁЯОЮ Why should a political party receive money without any checks and balances?
ЁЯУ║ December 2022 #CNNNews18
ЁЯЩГ PM's message is to the BJP brass. Copy Bhagwant Mann model, Aam Aadmi Party model is profitable
ЁЯУ║ March 2023 #RepublicTV
ЁЯУб This battle is between federalism and unilateralism
ЁЯУЙ In 2019, 34 crore people voted against BJP, 55% of the India is asking BJP for the JPC
ЁЯУ║ April 2023 #ArnabGoswami
⌚Opposition parties are going to come together, anyone believes it or not
ЁЯЧг️ It's clear that the day CM Arvind Kejriwal spoke about #AdaniScam how the Adani money is directly related to PMO, that day onwards the abuse of law started
ЁЯУ║ July 2023 Republic
ЁЯОЩ BJP lost the day they made politics a bloodsport. People don't like to see blood spilled in a sporting encounter
☢️ рд▓ोрдХрддंрдд्рд░ рдоें рдЬрдм рддंрдд्рд░, рд▓ोрдХ рдкрд░ рд╣ाрд╡ी рд╣ोрдиे рд▓рдЧ рдЬाрдП рддрдм рд▓ोрдХ рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा, рддंрдд्рд░ рдХो рдЕрдкрдиे рдЕрдзीрди рдХрд░рдиा рд╕्рд╡рднाрд╡िрдХ рдк्рд░рддिрдХ्рд░िрдпा рд╣ै।
⚖️ People in power are not supposed to show arrogance, they need to show humility
ЁЯУ║ December 2023
ЁЯТг From Bihar to Punjab, BJP won less than 100 seats in as many as 267 seats
ЁЯУ║ April 2024 NewsX
ЁЯОд Instead of serving the people, BJP seems to be punishing them. Governments should prioritize serving the people
� People respect PM Modi but nobody listens to him
ЁЯУ║ May 2024
☎ UCC means abolition of reservation
ЁЯЪй BJP needs to answer why its ally Nara Chandrababu Naidu has promised 4% reservation to the Muslims?


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