Trump Wins USA 2024


Analysing Trump Victory 

A convicted felon became 🇺🇸president by winning a popular election. 

A paradox. Why? How?

    In present western society, Democracy is also referred to as "rule of law". That should ideally mean everyone is equal without exceptions. However, the etymology of democracy from ancient Greek is Demos & Kratia, which literally means -People's Rule. So over time, western society changed the definition of democracy from people's rule to rule of law.  

    From this definition, most democracies world over today frame laws for common people while those in power are exempted from it. A System OF people becomes a system FOR people. 

    Be it personal security, traffic, free food, free housing, free electricity, free travel...those in power get special privileges aka exemption  while citizens are not exempt & have to follow rules & spend on it. This creates a disenchantment with the system which perennially seems to people as pro elite & anti people. An average citizen of any democracy starts to feel that the entire system is rigged against him. Once this plimsoll line is crossed, other issues like economy, global warming, corruption, jobs etc do not matter to voter since he has lost faith that the system will solve it for him.

    Any courageous disruptor then is seen as deliverance, someone brave enough to endure a bloody nose to game the system. Because in people's eyes, if democracy itself is oppressive towards them, it is better to support someone who is battling such a system of oppression rather than nurturing such a wrongful system. The average citizenry's appreciation of the rebel is entirely emotional, reactive & not rooted by any logic or facts. This emotional outpouring towards the rebel gamer can even lead to subverting democracy since the winner sees this voter endorsement as a license to dictatorship. 

    Human evolution has now entered a phase where -unless the meaning of democracy is redefined from "rule of law" to "decentralization of power" -representative democracies will in all likelihood, keep evaporating into plutocracies.

    The sensible way forward is to redefine democracy as "participatory" -from present definition of "representative". 

    And for democracies world over to start giving complete unitary freedom (autonomy) of their respective domains to all units -from individual, to family, to neighborhood, to village, to counties, to cities, to states, to nations, to world.

Till this course correction is made by intelligentsia, Trumps will keep trumping. 


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