Govt's primary duty towards its citizens - Development OR 100% Security & Justice ?

     India's National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) budget show the agency will receive no funding during the FY 2015-16 for the Rs 2,000-crore Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) and the Automated Fingerprint Identification System.  Ajai Sahni, Director of the Institute for Conflict Management in New Delhi, says that CCTNS is perhaps the single most critical project for India’s internal security & Networks like these are a fundamental requirement of modern policing and security management. (

     Some real facts to be considered to fathom the profundity are as follows. Contrary to misconceptions floated by Indian intelligentsia, the total number of criminals in India society is less than 2% of the population. According to NCRB, the total number of violent crimes during the year 2011 was just below 24 Lac crimes, which is around 2% of India's population. This also proves the fact that 98% of people are law abiding.   However the corresponding rime rate in 2003 was around 17 lac crimes. This means the Indian rime rate witnessed a dangerous spurt of more than 1/3rd within eight preceding years. Another appalling figure is the Per Capita Police personnel in India which presently stands at an abysmal 137 : 100000 of citizenry. However as regards to VIP's this figure is 3.5:1. To rub salt into this festering wound is the fact that there is a 22% vacancy in the overall Indian Police force.  

     The moot point here is, what is a government's primary duty towards its citizens ?  Provide them with goodies OR guarantee them Security & Justice ? The answer is simple. Citizenry can lead a good life only if they are alive. The answer to the above question is simple. The State's fundamental duty towards its citizens is to provide them with 100% Security & Justice and after achieving this goal, then employ its resources towards development & goodies. Ever since independence in 1947, successive governments in India have done exactly the opposite. They have compromised the safety of citizens by spreading its resources on providing goodies. It is akin to giving a democratic choice to a chicken of choosing being fried or boiled. 

     World over, in other democracies, research and corresponding actions by governments have proved that a simple act of increasing  per capita police leads to drastic crime rate decline. A decreased crime rate automatically results in citizens' entrepreneurship, esp women to indulge in increased hours of productive labour across geographical locations. An optimally working workforce results in economic prosperity. This is because in any civilized society,  Law & Order is always the domain of the government, the citizens can never have the wherewithal to secure themselves. Security has to invariably be provided by the most powerful entity, the State. 

     It is high time the citizens of India comprehend this massive fraud being played upon them. 21st century India's Good Days will arrive only if governments restrict themselves to guaranteeing safety & security to all us 125 Crore people. As for development, in a secure atmosphere, we citizens are perfectly capable of developing ourselves.


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