AAP the fuel of Swaraj

True definition of Swaraj is "decentralization of power...to the people". All three conditions need fulfilled to achieve swaraj. In an entity that has no power, swaraj isn't necessary (like a family). If power is decentralized to a lower level, it still isn't swaraj (union list & state list already exist in Indian constitution).  

Swaraj in a political party is an oxymoron. Political dispensations need to understand the difference between Intraparty democracy & swaraj. Even if a political party fulfils all its constitutional prerequisites and conducts internal elections at all levels, Swaraj still doesn't descend to the people of india. The fact is that a party is a powerless unit in itself. Aam Aadmis of India formed a political party only because parties are a necessary evil in present day india and sadly no party wants to abdicate power in favour of people. 

Hence we AAPians need to realize that we have taken it upon ourselves to deliver swaraj (power) to the people. AAP doesn't have the luxury of being satisfied if and when power arrives at its tier (as it did when it formed Delhi govt). AAPians should realize that if power hasnt reached their tier,it has nothing to do with Swaraj. These will be the same people will capture swaraj for themselves if and when it reaches their tier. AAP needs to guard against such intellectual debauchery.


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