* The fundamental principle of taxation is to list the consumables in their order of priority of usage and start taxing them from the bottom up. For ex., Food will be topmost and luxury cars would be near the bottom of such a list. * There are two classes of people in the Indian Economy :- 1) The villager, proletariat, manufacturer of basics, below poverty line. 2) The urban, intellectual, elite, industrialist, above poverty line. We need an economic policy which encourages the former even if it is partially adverse towards the latter. Unfortunately, our economic policies are encouraging the latter more than the former. * Successful economics should mean minimum variation of pricing between producer and consumer. * Businessmen never give tax. Tax is given by producer and consumer. Trader is only a medium. * Tax and controls are springtime for traders. These are very helpful in corrupt trade practices. * Taxes and controls are the root of corruption. The more they are in numbers and q...