1। In India, corruption is rampant from top to bottom. An estimated 100% of politicians, 95% traders, 75% judiciary and 90% educationists are corrupt to some extent.

2।Out of Rs 100/- paid by public as tax, Rs 15/- reaches the administration। Out of that which the administration gives to the public, only Rs 2/- reaches them. In effect, the government is collecting Rs 100/- to provide relief worth Rs2/-.

3। Laws and corruption complement each other. Laws intensify corruption and corruption intensifies laws.

4। When a person’s rights are transferred to another, they metamorphose into power of the recipient. This then becomes a law. This is the genesis of corruption.

5। The quantity of power (laws) in a system is the same as the quantity of corruption.

6। Power decentralization in India will help reduce corruption.

7। Transparency, decentralization and reduction of laws are the simplest method to eradicate corruption. Nationalization too must come to an end.

8. Except crime control, the system should de-burden itself from most other duties. Most sectors like education, health, transportation, trading etc., can function smoothly at the local level without administrative intervention. 90% of the departments will cease to exist due to this measure. Corruption too will die away proportionately.


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