2015-16 Budget Blueprint

2015-16 Budget Blueprint * Govt of India's Economic Survey 2015-16, tabled in the parliament on 26th Feb highlights a glaring anomaly. Hopefully the Union Budget for 2015-16 will mend this aberration. * It is well known yet never spoken fact that as a nation, India subsidizes the rich to get richer. Our demographical growth stands testament to the fact that the economic growth rate of India's rich is exponentially higher then the growth rate of the poor. * The statistics of the Indian development reflects that 33% of the proletariat have grown at 1% and the elite 33% have grown at 17%. The government proclaims the mean growth rate at approx 8%. Even today 22% of the Indian population subsists on less than $ 2/- daily,which is the internationally accepted norm for extreme poverty. * A farmer while selling his wheat borne out of his own sweat & toil, goes to the procurement agency, weather it is governmental or private and pays tax...