---- I FUEL SWARAJ Thousands of years ago, the phrase SWARAJ was first propounded by sage Atri in Rgveda when he said ॥ व्यचिष्ठे बहुपाय्ये यतेमही स्वराज्ये ॥ Vyachishthe = universal franchise where all people have a right to participation. Bahupayye = whereby, the majority secures the right of minority. Yatemahi = let us all strive for. Swarajye = the ultimate objective of self-rule. In short, this Rgvedic verse extols thus: “Let Us All Strive For Swaraj Wherein All People Are Participators In Decision Making With A Magnanimous Outlook of Securing The Minority.” This idea has been nurtured over millennium in the Indian subcontinent from Quetta to Kamrup including long phases during which Self-rule (Swaraj) was practiced as a governance model during the Buddhist age period http://www.lokrajandolan.org/ancientindia....