
Showing posts from July, 2015

Death Penalty Debate

The Death Penalty Debate:      This morning a convict was executed after he was given all fair options to exhaust all legal avenues of escaping the gallows till the final minutes. This case was especially widely reported by media in the last few weeks after it became public that the convict was induced to surrender which ought to be considered as mitigating circumstances to his execution. Snuffing out life from any living being is sad, be it of a convict or those hundreds of innocent victims on whom the convict unleashed diabolic violence. Worldwide, more than 90 countries have abolished death penalty; however it is part of the statute in India presently.      If the mitigating circumstances, as disclosed recently by a dead top sleuth are true, then it calls for a serious consideration of plea bargain in Indian jurisprudence. In many other democracies, plea bargain is resorted to secure arrest & conviction of other co-conspirators in lieu of a lighter sentence to t